Nolan Russell

Nolan Russell

CrossFit Coach

535lb deadlift

425lb back squat

235lb snatch

315lb clean

3 minute Fran


About Coach

Growing up I spent almost all my free time playing baseball and football. I was a varsity athlete in both sports by my sophomore year of high school. When I finished high school and was no longer active in sports I began to put on a lot of weight. When I started consistently training CrossFit, I was approaching 300 pounds. I learned the importance of discipline and consistency but also my experience allows me to understand the challenges people are facing no matter where they may be in their fitness journey.

Turning Point

My turning point came in my sophomore year of college. I had just transferred schools and had no friends, no passions, and no real sense of direction. I had gone from hardworking, motivated, and competitive to downright lazy and it was beginning to take a toll on my body. I didn’t like how I felt or how many things I simply was unable to do. I decided to make a change and dove in head first, doing CrossFit style workouts at home alone. This quickly turned into a passion and after some time I joined CrossFit Lapeer which added not only a fantastic sense of community to my life but also gave me the competitive outlet that I had been missing the pass few years.

Motivation & Passion

I believe that fitness is for everyone. We should all strive to be as fit as we can be no matter what our own individual “why” is. Being the fittest and healthiest version of ourselves lets us put our best foot forward in all that we do and also lifts up those around us.

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